Goodwill brings new promise to life after prison.
New Skills, New Opportunities
Goodwill helps individuals previously incarcerated or near release to reconnect with the local workforce. Strive for greater stability and independence post-release through Goodwill’s job training programs and tailored transition services.
Scope of Services
- Job search, placement and preparatory services
- Individual development plans
- Career exploration and planning
- Counseling
- Community services
- Certification training
- Financial aid application assistance or tuition assistance
- Legal services
Do I qualify?
Participants must have past justice system involvement or did not complete high school and meet any service- or program-specific requirements.
Pathway Home Programs
Goodwill Industries of Upstate/Midlands South Carolina received a sub-award of $842,836 from Goodwill Industries International in partnership with the Department of Labor to provide Pathway Home programming in the regional area. Additionally, GIUMSC received a sub-award of $1,862,327 directly from the Department of Labor to provide Pathway Home 2 (PH2) programming in the regional area.
The LifeLaunch
GO Program is made possible with a $4 million grant award, covering 86% of operating costs, from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. Goodwill is contributing leveraged funding valued at $667,414 to cover the remaining 14% of additional costs.
The Goodwill® LifeLaunch
Ignite 2.0 Program is made possible with a $4.5 million young adult reentry partnership grant award from the DOL’s Employment and Training Administration, covering 84% of operating costs. Our Goodwill is contributing leveraged funding valued at $720,420 to cover the remaining 16% of operational costs.
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