
Mission Mobile Rolls to VCOM in Blacksburg

January 7, 2025
10:00 AM — 1:00 PM
121 W. Cherokee St., Blacksburg, SC

Mission on the Road!

Our mission is helping the community through their employment journey, making the job search more convenient for every job seeker according to their individual’s needs.

Our experts will guide you at every step, offering career coaching, access to job search, connecting with potential employers, referrals to community resources, providing training to increase job opportunities, and resume writing assistance. Bilingual services available per request.

All-in-One unit to help overcome employment barriers throughout the Upstate & Midlands. Because, we understand you!

Partner name:

(Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine) VCOM – Mobile Medical Bus



121 W Cherokee St – Blacksburg First Baptist Church








List Services: (According to the event)

VCOM's commitment to improving community health and address community and environmental issues worldwide is supported through numerous outreach programs annually.

VCOM students participate in weekly Interprofessional Early Clinical Experiences. During these experiences, students work alongside faculty mentors and allied healthcare professionals including nurses, pharmacists, EMS personnel, athletic trainers, and others. This practical experience helps to prepare second-year medical students for the team approach to medical care and for their third-year core clinical rotations.

Community outreach programs include:

  • Preventive Medicine Community Outreach (PMCO), wellness screenings for local communities
  • Free Clinics
    • Blood Sugar Screening, Free Blood pressure & Body Mass Index Screening
  • Mini Med Schools
  • Health and wellness programs for community events
  • Outreach programs to rescue missions and remote communities


Benefits to attend

  • Assistance with Employment
  • Connect guests' employment opportunities in the area
  • Connect guests with agencies to provide technical training

 Don’t miss this resourceful event; our goal is to provide high quality and comprehensive services to all.